Friday, December 21, 2007

Marvel Eternals

Storyline starts after the civil war where Tony Stark enforcing the damn hero registration law.

Okay, long story short describe, there was a bunch of godlike aliens called celestials visit earth long before time. They created two types of new species from earth humans, the eternals and the deviants (sort of like angles and devils). Same old style where deviants do bad stuff and eternals save the day with the help of celestials. Millions years after deviants showed up and same issue again...

The story was'nt bad but not too catchy either, may that's why these six issue series not so popular. But from the hands of John Romita Jr's artwork really spice up things a bit.

Story : Normal
Artwork : Good
Overall : Acceptable

Thursday, November 29, 2007

World War Hulk Finally Complete!!!

Whao!! Finally this giant event completed, with
leading limited series World War Hulk 1-5 and other

tie-ins series like Frontline 1-6,

Gamma Corps 1-4,

X Men 1-3,

Heroes For Hire 11-15

Incredible Hulk 106-111

Short tie-ins from normal ongoing series, IronMan 19-20, Avengers Initiative 4-5 and Ghost Rider 12-13

There are also single tie-ins like PunisherWarJournal 12,Antman 10 and some extra info like Marvel Spotlight WWH and Gamma Files and of course as usual the What Ifs.

I gotta say that WWH 1-5 and Incredible Hulk 106-111 really smash things up, while Frontline has always been the boring part that tells the story from the innocents people part, the clean up after smashings.Others were just merely short stories of other heroes perspective to this event.
I give WWH a 4/5 for the main leading series while 2/5 for the tie-ins, coz its damn boring.

Story: Good
Overall: Recommended

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Previous and recent hot stuff

Well all my collection started from Marvel's Civil War, stories about superhuman fighting over legal rights on being a superdude. Refreshing concept of telling superhuman stories, with marvelous artwork also. Story by Mark Millar, Artwork by Steve McNiven

But the comics event after Civil War were a bit dissapointing, The Initiative were the following event about how each heroes live on their live after all rights to be a superhero has been legalized.

So there were World War Hulk taken place, the storyline was continued from Planet Hulk which a groups of so called "genious jerks of earth" Reed Richards(Mr Fantastic), Tony Stark(Iron Man) and BlackBolt(Inhumans) decided that Hulk was too dangerous to be kept in earth and trick him into a rocket and send him to a so called peacfull planet. Accident happen and Hulk landed a violent planet and he plays a gladiator role on that planet later went back to earth for some sweet revenge. I gotta say, its quite interesting that this WorldWarHulk storyline turns out to be, with good artwork also. Story by Greg Pak and Artwork by Romita Jr.
There others events from X Men-Endangered Species , Annihilation and more but still lacks of juices of excitements, there are coming events like Xmen Messiah Complex, Hulk Red and more on ultimates.
There a few events back that good too like Xmen House of M, Avengers Disassembled that should keep an eye on.

Purpose Of This Blogspot

Well before I start to write all the comics stuff mindlessly, I will explain my purpose on setting up this blogspot. I have collected quite a number of softcopies (scan) comics, so I am putting them on a list and make some ranking and some review on it.
Main purpose is, writing some comments based on comics artwork and stories. For others to revise on if its possible.
Do comment on my works, I will try my best on it.