Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Young Avengers

Young Avengers may have been another Marvels idea of trying to create another super hero teams to replace Avengers, still there's some part of it kind of disturbed me a bit. The relationship of Huckling and Asgardian was kind of gay to me, but in terms of overall it's still a good series to collect.
Part1 : Sidekicks (Issue 1 to 6)Story started after the disassemble of Avengers, where gathered by a teenage who claimed him self Iron Lad(Actually he's the young Kang The Conquerer, formed a team called Young Avengers consist of The Patriot(Eli the grandson of Black Captain America), Asgardian(Whom true identity will reveal in part3), Huckling(Whom true identity will reveal in part3).The activities of Young Avengers were attracted others teenage heroes wanna-be like Cassie Lang(the daughter of Antman) and Hawkingbird (Kate Bishop) to join, mean while the real Kang the Conquerer who gave Iron Lad his suit arrived and claiming for the young Kang. After a few fights, the young Kang killed the elder Kang and went back to his future. Well that's pretty much the story in short, the way they pulled it off is kinda cool and hip. Nice artwork too that goes well with the story.

Story: Good
Overall: Recommended
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Jim Cheung

Part2 : Secret Identities (Issue 7 to 8)Story continues for the previous part, this time these two issue focused on one character, The Patriot. When the Avengers found out the Young Avengers didn't shut down their activities as they've ordered to, Captain America decided to visit their parents and inform for their actions(Bossy like a oldman he used to be).Eventually Captain America found out that Eli (The Patriot) wasn't acquired his super soldier power from blood tranfusion given by his grandpa as told, it was from MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone) mentioned previous part and he got a bundle of them. The young Avengers found out later on when Eli came heads on with Dr Zabo (Mr Hyde). With the secrets all came out, Eli call for quit and continue his normal life.Same comment, good story but this time the artwork is a bit... May be it fits some group of peoples taste but not mine.

Story: Good
Overall: Acceptable
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Andrea Devito

Part3 : Family Matters (Issue 9 to 12)After Eli left the team, the remaining members has loose their spirit. In attempt to encourage Eli, the members gather to persuade him and there where Kl'rt The Super Skrull came in. Claiming that Huckling is the heir of their emperror, Super Skrull succeed in kidnapping Huckling after revealed and killed Huckling's former mother as a Skrull. Knowing the team was out-Powered, the team decided to seek the Young Vision(Created by Iron Lad during Part1) help where they located another new super powered teen called Tommy.Here Kl'rt revealed the true parents of Huckling were Princess Anelle(Skrull) and Captain Mar-Vell(Kree), at the same time he also revealed that actually Tommy and Billy (Asgardian) were the lost souls twin that existed after Mephisto destroyed by Scarlet Witch whom gave birth(Well Sorta) to them. Soon after the army for both Skrull and Kree came to Earth to claim Huckling, the Avengers and Young Avengers team up to fight over both Kree and Skrull army. Knowing that the battle won't stop, Huckling surrender him self based on some terms but in fact was Kl'rt himself as disguised while true huckling disguised as the Super Skrull.Peace came along for the time being and the Young Avengers continue their crime fighting life with new members.This story came better than the last two with more actions and characters, not to mentioned teaming up both Young and old Avengers to fight Kree and Skrull on high ground.
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Jim Cheung

Marvel Knights: Strange

Marvel Knight Strange is a 6 issue short stories of Stephen Strange's origin of becoming Sorcerer Supreme. Quite a catch on how they put the story out, I have already watch the Marvel movie on Strange, its kind a lame actually coz it's damn looks the same as DC cartoons.
The story is the same, starting on Strange becoming a doctor and lost his track when he become wealthy. An skiing accident took that all away, his hands were not as used to be. Running out of money to heal his hands, he met a guy that leads him to Wong. A guy he healed years ago, then all these matrix dejavu came to me. You're the one la, you posses the power la, we have been watching you la. Stuff like that, and betrayal and passing power and happy endings.

Artwork is nice and story is quiet good but just dun like the matrix looka like.

Kinda neat and classy style of expressing a fight.

I'm quite sure I've seen this before.... Makes my mind "Reloaded" If you know what I mean.

I'm sure karate is quite popular in the states, but can you change the dress in a more Tibet style for a change? Or is it hatta follow every scenes in the Matrix?

Well impressive final battle though.

Story: Good

Artwork: Good

Overall: Recommended

Writer: J. Micheal Straczynski, Sara Barnes

Penciller: Brandon Peterson