Thursday, May 15, 2008

Civil War

Overall story is, a group of inexperience superheroes called "new warriors" was doing a live broadcast TV show that bust the super villains. Desperate for boosting the show rating, eventually they continue their pursuit even though they knew they were under powered.

Tragedy happened when one of the super villain called Nitro explode and wiped out the whole Stamford school nearby. Then started the demand of registration for superheroes, with SHIELD's enforcement there were separated 2 parties of those who support and oppose the idea of registration act.
These two parties, supporters which led by Ironman(Tony Stark) and Opposer led by Captain America(Steve Rogers) eventually collide. Civil war ended when Captain America decided to give up when he realizes the true wish of the people...

The catchy part of this Marvel event was there were no good or bad side in this story, unlike the usuals Acts Of Vengeance, Evolution War, Onslaught , Inferno and more them. Good story with Steve McNiven (Whom once involve in Ultimate series) as penciler, I can say Civil War will be a magnificent comic for years to come.

Civil War Event List

Story: Great
Overall:Strongly Recommended

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