Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Young Avengers

Young Avengers may have been another Marvels idea of trying to create another super hero teams to replace Avengers, still there's some part of it kind of disturbed me a bit. The relationship of Huckling and Asgardian was kind of gay to me, but in terms of overall it's still a good series to collect.
Part1 : Sidekicks (Issue 1 to 6)Story started after the disassemble of Avengers, where gathered by a teenage who claimed him self Iron Lad(Actually he's the young Kang The Conquerer, formed a team called Young Avengers consist of The Patriot(Eli the grandson of Black Captain America), Asgardian(Whom true identity will reveal in part3), Huckling(Whom true identity will reveal in part3).The activities of Young Avengers were attracted others teenage heroes wanna-be like Cassie Lang(the daughter of Antman) and Hawkingbird (Kate Bishop) to join, mean while the real Kang the Conquerer who gave Iron Lad his suit arrived and claiming for the young Kang. After a few fights, the young Kang killed the elder Kang and went back to his future. Well that's pretty much the story in short, the way they pulled it off is kinda cool and hip. Nice artwork too that goes well with the story.

Story: Good
Overall: Recommended
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Jim Cheung

Part2 : Secret Identities (Issue 7 to 8)Story continues for the previous part, this time these two issue focused on one character, The Patriot. When the Avengers found out the Young Avengers didn't shut down their activities as they've ordered to, Captain America decided to visit their parents and inform for their actions(Bossy like a oldman he used to be).Eventually Captain America found out that Eli (The Patriot) wasn't acquired his super soldier power from blood tranfusion given by his grandpa as told, it was from MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone) mentioned previous part and he got a bundle of them. The young Avengers found out later on when Eli came heads on with Dr Zabo (Mr Hyde). With the secrets all came out, Eli call for quit and continue his normal life.Same comment, good story but this time the artwork is a bit... May be it fits some group of peoples taste but not mine.

Story: Good
Overall: Acceptable
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Andrea Devito

Part3 : Family Matters (Issue 9 to 12)After Eli left the team, the remaining members has loose their spirit. In attempt to encourage Eli, the members gather to persuade him and there where Kl'rt The Super Skrull came in. Claiming that Huckling is the heir of their emperror, Super Skrull succeed in kidnapping Huckling after revealed and killed Huckling's former mother as a Skrull. Knowing the team was out-Powered, the team decided to seek the Young Vision(Created by Iron Lad during Part1) help where they located another new super powered teen called Tommy.Here Kl'rt revealed the true parents of Huckling were Princess Anelle(Skrull) and Captain Mar-Vell(Kree), at the same time he also revealed that actually Tommy and Billy (Asgardian) were the lost souls twin that existed after Mephisto destroyed by Scarlet Witch whom gave birth(Well Sorta) to them. Soon after the army for both Skrull and Kree came to Earth to claim Huckling, the Avengers and Young Avengers team up to fight over both Kree and Skrull army. Knowing that the battle won't stop, Huckling surrender him self based on some terms but in fact was Kl'rt himself as disguised while true huckling disguised as the Super Skrull.Peace came along for the time being and the Young Avengers continue their crime fighting life with new members.This story came better than the last two with more actions and characters, not to mentioned teaming up both Young and old Avengers to fight Kree and Skrull on high ground.
Writer:Allen Heinberg
Artist:Jim Cheung

Marvel Knights: Strange

Marvel Knight Strange is a 6 issue short stories of Stephen Strange's origin of becoming Sorcerer Supreme. Quite a catch on how they put the story out, I have already watch the Marvel movie on Strange, its kind a lame actually coz it's damn looks the same as DC cartoons.
The story is the same, starting on Strange becoming a doctor and lost his track when he become wealthy. An skiing accident took that all away, his hands were not as used to be. Running out of money to heal his hands, he met a guy that leads him to Wong. A guy he healed years ago, then all these matrix dejavu came to me. You're the one la, you posses the power la, we have been watching you la. Stuff like that, and betrayal and passing power and happy endings.

Artwork is nice and story is quiet good but just dun like the matrix looka like.

Kinda neat and classy style of expressing a fight.

I'm quite sure I've seen this before.... Makes my mind "Reloaded" If you know what I mean.

I'm sure karate is quite popular in the states, but can you change the dress in a more Tibet style for a change? Or is it hatta follow every scenes in the Matrix?

Well impressive final battle though.

Story: Good

Artwork: Good

Overall: Recommended

Writer: J. Micheal Straczynski, Sara Barnes

Penciller: Brandon Peterson

Supreme Power: Nighthawk

Supreme Power Nighthawk actually is Marvel version of batman and I'm going to tell ya why.

Nighthawk day light identity is Kyle Richmond, a wealthy guy whom orphaned due to racist burglar. Years later become a violent crime fighter dress in dark and full of high tech gadgets even his own plane. Sound just like Bruce Wayne, huh? Here's the best part, this series was about a psychotic chemist killer ran loose a start poising people disguise as a clown. Wholly shit its the DC joker! OK this guy died in the end so end of copy cat story.That's what I thought in the 1st place, later in the last page shows, THE LAST LAUGH.

Well copy or not you guys think it over. Okay, it's kind of copying but still you gotta give some credit to Steve Dillon for making Nighthawk such a violent wonderland, been love his work in Punisher and Preacher for his real life violence, not like laser blasted or super strength squashed. But to kill in a much more human tortury manner.

Hey actually what are the odds of having a vengefull and violent hero dress in black with a handfull of money, and in the same time having a villian disguise as clown? Do the math and you'll hit the jackpot.

Whao!! Dude! With origins like parents died of burglary gunshots! Nah that's kinda common, isn't it?

Story: Acceptable

Artwork: Good

Overall: Recommended (Violence Score)

Writer: Daniel Way

Artist: Steve Dillon

Marvel Max: Doctor Spectrum

The Specrums power originates from a gem that came along with Mark Miltons (Hyperion) space ship, Joe Ledger was the unfortunate guy who sign up for testing this gems power and got chosen by the gem and become The Spectrum.

The whole series was explaining about Joe Ledger, Joe Ledger was a Colonel in the US military, he was raised in a complex family. With a mother involved in prostitution and a abusive step father.Joe has always been living a troubled life, he eventually killed his father and the killer of his mom later got involved into goverments secret assasiantion missions.

The story for Spectrum was way too dramatic to be interesting, less action and old drama like troubled kid joined in military.Unless you're die hard fan, else it's just the artwork worth looking at.

Story: Poor


Overall:For Die Hard Fans Only

Writer: Sara Barnes

Artist: Travel Foreman

Saturday, May 24, 2008

SquadronSupreme- HyperionVsNighthawk

Squadron Supreme: Hyperion vs Nighthawk storyline was as stated, it was about these two superheroes fight each other and ending up in teaming to fight the Africans Superheroes.

These two character in Squadrin Supreme makes me think about DCs Worlds Finest: the Superman and Batman, why? Just let me talk about Hyperion and Nighthawks origin then you be the judge.Hyperions origin was from out of space, came here with a alien spaceship, raised by humans and have a world most briliant genius Emil Burbank as his nemesis. (Hmm Clark Kent and Lex Luthur, huh?). Now Nighthawk here was a damn rich blackman in US which dress like a covert ops vigilante that fight crimes in the night. (Hmm Bruce Wayne?)Well ok, I'm not going to go deep into that here as there will be 2 other series its all about them.

The Whole story here is really about politics, how US uses project Squadron Supreme as a spearhead to show the world what "peace" meant, crushing you if you're not obey or posses too much firepower. Conspiracy all over the place, but here's the kick, Nighthawk was the guy that only defends justice in US was about to spread his area worldwide to Africa tribe conflicts. Here the comic series didn't actually express the story straight forward, its some flashbacks here and there.

Nighthawk was planning to carry out his saviour mission but he knew that Hyperion was going to be his main problem. So he managed to get some gadget invent by Emil Burbank. Then lure Hyperion by leaving his spaceship remains during his attack in the tribe killers. Playing Hyperion in his hands, Nighthawk uses him as his tool to carry out his saviour mission. Artwork is nice and storyline is ok for adults who like a bit of facts instead of high flying superhero kids stunts.

Story: Medium(Never been a fan of political shit)

Artwork: Good


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Union Jack V1 and V2

Union Jack was an old character during WWII fighting alongside with Captain America, Lord Montgomery Falsworth (Union Jack) doesn't do well in the end, he was paralyzed both of his legs by his nemesis Baron Blood a Nazi vampire.
Modern Union Jack wasn't from Falsworth family though, Joey Chapman, a dock workers son. Armed with Webley Vintage pistol (Means its damn old model) and a silver dagger, he fights vampires just like Blade( Well, just consider as British version of Blade holding low tech armory.
Story was about bunch of vampires pursuing a legendary Holy Grail to evolutes into a godlike form (Immune to sunlight and without the thirst of blood). Lord Falsworths in law grandson, Kenneth Crichton was infected with Anemia and his days were numbered (That's why modern Union Jack wasn't from Falsworths bloodline), become a vampire after got devastated from his body condition.
The rest was just vampires ass kicking and Kenneth died and Baroness the vampire gang leader got a way with immunity power.
Storylines was normal and nothing special, but John Cassaday artwork is worth a look.

Story: Acceptable
Artwork: Good
Overall: Acceptable

Union Jack 2 was far more better storyline and with penciler like Paul Jenkins, it's worth collecting.
This time Joey (Union Jack) was called to stop a series of planned terrorist attack in London formed by R.A.I.D. Forming a team that consist of SHIELD's former deputy director Contessa Allegra Valentina De La Fontaine (long name huh?), Isreal heroein Sabra and Saudi's Arabian Knight.
Facing villian and mercenaries like Shockwave, Firebrand, Ecstacy, Boomerang, Zaran, Machete, Crossfire, Jack O'Lantern, Jackhammer and the Corruptor its quite an exciting storyline to flow with. This series fully express how Union Jack overcome villians using his wits. But story doesn't ends after stopping all the attacks and getting all the villains ass kicked.
Eventually Gavin, the MI5 deputy director knew all the attacks earlier on, he sent all the big shots like Captain Britain and Micromax to chase a ghost other country, avoid asking help from US heroes like Avengers and make the attacks look worse enough to force the former director to resign. Well, Joey figure it out in the end and burst his secret with a bunch reporters.
This series may not favor to the usual Union Jack fans as there will be not vampire biting around but the excitement still can juice it up.Guts and wits blokes, that's whats Union Jack all bout.

Story: Good
Artwork: Good
Overall: Recommended

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ultimate Human

With 4 issue of ultimate series, this Ultimate Human is like dessert for Ultimates series.
Its about Bruce Banner(Hulk) seeking help from Tony Stark(Ironman), initially Ultimate version of Hulk was created based on Bruce re-creation of Super Soldier serum from Steve Rogers(Captain America) blood. Miscalculation happened and Hulk was created, later there's one British dude called Wisdom wanted to combine Starks and Bruce blood to recreate another super human, but then another miscalculation. A big head freak created, in order to cure himself, he abducted both Stark and Bruce. Well, in the end like other happy endings bad guys squashed good guys live.
Nothing quite major about Ultimate Human, only thing special is this series explain more about Hulk in scientific way and they did using "English" to let you imagine how powerful Hulk is and how amazing it is that Hulk can adapt any environment.
Picture not enough? How about explain the severity with words? Well sure that'll work. I guess.

Story: Good

Taskmaster (Udon)

After comment all the main events and top notch comics, time for some passing time comics.
Taskmaster has always been a 2nd class character, you can only notice his appearance here and there between series. This 4 issue Taskmaster was a creation from Udon.
Some of you might not heard of Udon, but it's one of my favorite. Udon has been specialized in Japans gaming Capcom comics like Street Fighter, Rival School and Demon Hunter. For all of the manga fans this is a great series for you.
Taskmaster is a mercenaries that weren't hero nor villain whom can mimic movements using a skill called Photographic Reflexes. The story was about betrayal of a gangster boss in a task given upon him, and of course revenge well served in the end.
Taskmaster mimicking movements of Spiderman and Daredevil combine while fighting with Ironman.

He even uses Captain America shield tossing movements.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ultimates V2

Same like last series, its all about invasions in the Ultimates V2. But its still one kicking comics series. Why? Well read on.

A whole new evil version of Ultimates called Librator, with Osama version of Captain America, Ironman nemesis Crimson Dynamo, Black girl version of Quicksilver, Abomination lookalike monster and new evil comer Loki.

In this new series added with more spices with quite a few cool appearance and killing scenes (Yup, juicy type with guts!). Like Hawkeye killing a few using just forks and trying to break free using just his fingernails (Yup fingernails!). Not to forget about Hulk squashing Abominations head off and Quicksilver torn his nemesis apart and into pieces. Major invasion and damages whole country was invaded and torn apart (I have always been fond of destruction).

Well all that plus dramatical story about Thor been accused of been paranoid , Stark was betrayed by his girlfriend the Black Widow and the death of Hawkeyes family.
Eat my nails, you punks!!!

That's for my son and wife, you B**ch!!

Like the air pressure message? Oops! Guess you're too soft for that.

Take that you nerd!!!

Story: Great
Artwork: Great
Overall : Strongly Recommended

The Ultimates V1

Ultimate series has always been the realistic version of the normal Marvel series, Ultimates actually is Ultimate version of Avengers.

Ultimate V1 starts from the origin of Captain America during WWII, followed by the recruiting of Ultimates project by SHIELD. The starting members consist of Hank Pym, The Wasp, Ironman and Captain America. During this time Bruce Banner still working on his Hulk solution in which he tested on himself later. With the emergence of The Hulk, city was in chaos until the ultimates came with the help of Thor whom always been a peace supporter (he doesn't agree with the idea of Ultimates in the 1st place). Story continues with new comer such as Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.The Ultimate was not fully working as a team when the invasion of the Nazis, with help of the Hulk squashing around and I mean really SQUASHING the Nazis.

Overall the stories was worth the while, with dramas all around and major damage here and there. Ultimates is the best choice when you got bored with the old simple storyline of Avengers.

Story: Good

Artwork: Good

Overall : Recommended

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ultimate Power

Ultimate power actually is the ultimate version of Squadron Supreme VS Avengers, story start when Reed Richards was looking for a cure for Ben. With desperation and out of idea, he finally come out with a device traveling through dimensions and transmitting data.

Proposed to the SHIELD and turned down, Nick Fury knew Reed would continue his plan so he seek assistance from Doom to adjust that device to filter out data sent by Reed. Problem doesn't ends here Emil Burbanks from Squadron Supreme universe blame the fault of using biological weapon. An organism that will grows exponentially and emits radiation to kill Hyperion.

Everything goes as plan, Reed sent his stuff, gets blame after Hyperion's world torn apart and come for Reed. There's action here and there, cool stuff is two different universe's superheroes collide. Story by Jeph Loeb and artwork by Greg Land, it's quite an interesting comic to go for.

Old Version of Squadron Supreme, with their lame costume.

Latest Version of Squadron Supreme, notice their pose also the same.

Ironman VS Doom, classic huh?

Hulk VS Hulk, exciting but such a short roller coaster ride. The imitator falls shortly afterwards.

Story: Good

Artwork: Good

Overall: Recommended